At the start of the pandemic we were wondering what we could do as a community to help any vulnerable people within the village get through this difficult time.
It was decided that the best way to help would be ensure that those who needed it most where provided with a fresh home cooked meal which would be delivered to their homes due to the fact they were unable to leave.
Bespoke, The Fulforth Centre and Sacriston Parish Council came together along with volunteers from the community, and have worked together tirelessly to provide this much needed service.
Since commencing this project 21 weeks ago, 12,119 meals have been provided. What an achievement!
On behalf of Sacriston Parish Council, The Fulforth Centre and Bespoke we would like to give our thanks to all those who have either donated money, time or resources to help continue this service for as long as we have.
We would also like to mention in particular: Chester le Street & District AAP County Durham Community Foundation Durham AAP Edmondsley Parish Council Karbon Homes The Fulforth Centre Witton Gilbert Parish Council
Mark and Paul of Hunts Butchers
Joanne of All Seasons Fruit and Vegetables
Market Bakery
Tesco for their very kind donations
Alan Stockdale and Phil Ball for the donation of food trays
The children attending the Live Well North East holiday club, drew pictures on the last day of the project and these were included in the delivery of the meals.
Over the weeks we have received many donations, and it was decided that we would hold a raffle with these donations. Every person who was receiving a meal was entered into the raffle and these items were given out on a final day of delivering meals.
The response we have received from the community and surrounding areas has been overwhelming, and the community should be extremely proud of what it has achieved throughout this pandemic.